Tuesday, February 21, 2012

End of Day 1: Digital Story

Today Chris and I decided how to create the digital story. Our topic is on a genetic disease on Alkaptonuria. We are hoping that we bring awareness about this disease through our lesson plan and digital story. We are really excited to start working on this story!!


  1. I have never even heard of this disease. I look forward to your story because it will teach me something I know absolutely nothing about. Can't wait to see it! Good luck!!

  2. Nice! In a simple defination, what is that disease? Also, what is the idea that stood out most to catch the audience about this disease?

  3. I agree--this will be exciting.

  4. Alkaptonuria (AKU) is a rare autosomal recessive disease, affecting tyrosine metabolism. Patients accumulate homogentisic acid at 2000 times the normal rate, resulting in cartilage degradation and symptoms similar to early-onset osteoarthritis.

    I hope we can further elaborate on it when we teach our lesson plan. :)
